Below are the steps required in achieving COR. The overall duration of time to complete your training, evaluation, and certification varies between companies.
Training Requirements
- Construction Entry-Level Training
- Owner/Operator
- First Aid and WHIMS & any additional compliance-based training required
Safety Program Review
Your safety program should meet the specific needs of your company. You must:
- Completed Owner/Operator Evaluation Tool
- Comprehensive Hazard Assessment
- Payment of Evaluation Fee
Receive Certificate of Recognition & Letter of Good Standing
Certification Maintenance
Owner/Operators must maintain their safety program, complete a yearly evaluation, and pay the COR® evaluation fee to receive their annual Letter of Good Standing.
*Random COR® evaluations are performed on 5% of certified companies. This is done to maintain the integrity and quality of the COR® standard.
Evaluation Fees : First time submission is FREE for Members (subsequent submissions are $113 for Members); $250 Associate Member Plus; $331 Associate Member.
Complete the COR® application here
Submit to cor@constructionsafetyns.ca
Contact us for more information: 902-468-6696 / 1-800-971-3888 or info@constructionsafetyns.ca.