New COR® questions
The following are the new questions and their respective sections for the new harmonized COR® standard.
2. 5 Are design and layout of the work area, ergonomics, machinery, and processes considered in the assessments?
2.7 Are the personnel competent to participate in the hazard assessment process?
5.1 Does the policy, procedure, or guideline include responsibilities for setting, implementing, and complying with company rules.
5.2 Are both company and project (work location) specific rules available?
8.1 Is there a method for the selection of safety and health training of employees?
8.2 Is there a method for the evaluation and monitoring of the knowledge, competency, and effectiveness of safety and health training of employees?
9.4 Are specific methods, forms, or checklists used to identify deficiencies for pre-use inspections?
12.1 Are approved and current versions of applicable documents readily available at the point of use?
12.4 Are leading and lagging performance indicators measured?
14 Procurement and Contractor Management
The organization shall establish, implement, monitor, and maintain a documented policy statement, procedure(s), and/or guideline(s) for procured products and services, including contractor management/outsourcing.
14.1 Does the company have criteria for the selection, evaluation, and monitoring of contractors and service providers?
14.2 Does the evaluation, selection, and monitoring include the ability and competency of the contractor to identify, communicate, and control hazards that may impact their own workers, your workers, as well as any other person?
14.3 Has the criteria for the selection, evaluation, and monitoring of contractors and service providers been followed?
14.4 Is there a system in place to coordinate safety and health requirements, roles, and responsibilities when multiple contractors/employers are working under your control?
14.5 Does the company have criteria for the selection, evaluation, and procurement of products that have the potential to create a hazard?
14.6 Has the criteria for the selection, evaluation, and procurement of products been followed?
Return to Work
15.9 Does a Return-to-Work policy exist?
15.10 Is there a Return-to-Work program in place?
15.11 Are the roles and responsibilities defined in the Return-to-Work program?
15.12 Is company specific Return-to-Work training conducted?
15.13 Is the Return-to-Work program evaluated for effectiveness?
Mental Health
15.14 Does the use initiatives or programs to support or educate workers in mental health and psychosocial hazards?