Vehicle Operation

  •  SJP – Company Business Driving – General
  •  SJP – Loader Operation
  •  SJP – Operating a Dump Truck
  •  SJP – Tarping a Load
  •   SJP – Air Brakes
  •   SJP – Backfill
  •   SJP – Boosting Batteries
  •   SJP – CAT Operator
  •   SJP – Catch Basin
  •   SJP – Changing Rear Tire
  •   SJP – Dismounting Tires
  •   SJP – Driving
  •   SJP – Fueling Vehicles
  •   SJP – Greasing a Vehicle
  •   SJP – Installation of a Trench Box
  •   SJP – Oil Changing
  •  SJP – Refueling Trucks and Mobile Equipment
  •   SJP – Supporting (Chocking) Dumb Boxes
  •   SJP – Tire Change
  •   SJP – Vehicle Daily Maintenance